As I've written (https://scholarship.law.edu/jlt/vol29/iss2/4/) the world has gotten more legible and that means that there's more useful information out there.

One other consideration is that there are big benefits to information gathering, obviously. Targeted advertising is a major business model of popular and "free" online services.

The reduction in privacy is the cost of not controlling information about you. But information about you is not particularly valuable when under your control. At least we haven't figured a way to make it particularly valuable. On the other hand, aggregating information about many many people can help advertisers and others identify trends and patterns, and this can be very valuable. This value needs to be considered.

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Very interesting. I wonder if the level of anonimity/privacy from the first half of the XX century has always been around. Cities were not that big before then, and transportation much costly and slower. Maybe we are hitorically used to the lack of privacy?

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